BA Politcal Studies
There are several courses spread out across the various years under department to make learning efficient. These are mostly course related subjects and topics of interest but interlaced with a few indirectly related subjects to educate in various aspects in order to produce a versatile graduate.
Year One
POL 151 Introduction to Political Studies I (3,1,3).
The course examines the principal concepts, ideas and analytical methods of modern political studies. Particularly the “political element of the social structure; conflict; power and legitimacy: authority, state nation; government and sovereignty; major and elementary methods of study of the political etc.
POL 152 Introduction to Political Studies II (3,1,3).
The course aims to deepen the knowledge of basic concepts, ideas methods of study etc. acquired in POL 151 through the use of illustrative materials from the political systems of Ghana, one Francophone West African country and Britain. In particular, institutions (structures) and political processes in these systems will be examined.
POL 153 Introduction to Political Theory I (3,1,3)
POL 154 Introduction to Political Theory II (3, 1,3)
MATH 153 Social Statistics (2, 1, 2)
The introduction to the nature and use of statistics and some basic concepts. Descriptive analysis of data: Graphic and tabular representation of data, calculation of measures of central tendency and dispersion. Coefficients of Skewness and kurtosis.
MATH 154: Social Statistics II (2, 1, 2)
Probability: Definition of some basic terms; conditional and independent events; some basic laws and rules in probability random variables and probability distributions; expectations and variance of random variables; discrete distributions: binomial and Poisson; continuous distributions: normal; sampling theory.
ENGL 157: Communication Skills I (2, 1, 2)
The course takes all first year students through a review of English grammar, and is a required course for all first year students of KNUST. Students will be assisted to review some of the common problem areas of their writing, such as verb/tense system, concord, sentence construction and paragraph organization. There shall also be a study of basic grammatical structures that shall involve teaching students to write formally correct sentences, avoiding sentence errors, and using punctuation effectively.
ENGL 158: Communication II (2, 1, 2)
The course is designed to continue the process of helping students to become better writers. The first part of the course will focus on writing skills - paragraphs, and then essays. Students shall also study the preparation of technical documents such as memos, reports, letters, and proposals.
CSM 183: Introduction to Computers I (2,1, 2)
The course is designed to introduce students to basic computer hardware and software as well as their application. It examines such issues as: What is a computer? Classification of computers. Hardware-Memory, Central Processing Unit, Input/.Output Devices. Software-System, Applications, Utility, Translation, Programme language and others. Disk Operating System (DOS) and Windows as Operating Systems. Word Processing Software: Microsoft Word.
CSM 184: Introduction to Computers II (2, 1, 2)
The course is a follow up to CSM 183. It focuses on Spreadsheet Software: Microsoft EXCEL; Relational Database Software: Microsoft ACCESS.
Year Two
POL 251 Constitutional Studies I (3, 1,3)
POL 252 Constitutional Studies (3,1,3)
POL 253 International Politics I (3,1,3)
The course is an introduction to the field of International Relations and aims, particularly, to promote an understanding of the structure of international society. (1) It examines the context within which sovereign states are able to engage in continuous and complex relations with one another. (2) Discusses the character of those relations. (3) Analyses the ingredients of foreign policy and the means by which it is prosecuted (4) Enquires into the circumstances which engender harmony and discord between states and consider some proposals which have been made for the better ordering of international society. (5) The UN System.
POL 254 International Politics II (3,1,3)
The course discusses in depth foreign policy as an activity. Particularly, it examines (1) The terms used in the analysis and the practice of foreign policy (2) The purposes, aims and determinants of foreign policy (3) External and internal influences (4) Problems of co-operation, conflict and dispute with other states (5) Methods of implementing foreign policy,(6) Problems of organization of foreign policy, structure and process of one major developed country (e.g. U.S.A.) and that of an under-developed country (e.g. Ghana) will be used as illustrative material throughout the course.
POL 255 Politics and Development I (3,1,3)
The course explores the general rudiments of politics and development by examining the scholarly views and theories of the two concepts. The course takes a critical look at the definition of politics as it relates to the definition presented by Harold Lasswell - who get what, when and how and its interrelations with development. The course analyses the meaning and competing theories of development and how they relates to politics. The course also takes a thorough look at the Asian model of development that espouses economic development before social and civil development. Lastly, it examines the politics of the development paradigm
POL 256 Politics and Development II (3,1,3)
This is a continuation of the politics and development I and it critically examines how the definition of politics by Harold Lasswell as who get what, when and how relates to real life developmental issues. The course explores how conflict, security, globalization, environmental/climate change affect development. It also examines issues in rural development and the new drivers of development in modern times such as remittances from relatives abroad and the role that politics play in entire processes.
ENGL 263 Literature in English I (Poetry and Drama)
This is a basic course in Literature, introducing all university students to opportunities to enjoy and love the world of books in English and in our various Ghanaian languages. Special consideration will be given to language as the primary vehicle of literature. Old classics as well as significant contemporary works by living authors will be studied. The course will also draw range if disciplinary background and interests of the students who are expected to take this, the selection of texts will take into consideration the interrelations of literature and other disciplines. The course will focus on poetry and drama.
ENGL 264 Literature in English II (Fiction) ( 2,1,1)
The course has as its main components the study of folktales, short stories and the novel African and western texts representative of this genre shall be used to illustrate the language, themes, and the literary devices employed for these different types of fictional expressions.
POL 351 Research Techniques in Political Studies I (3,1,3) the course examines major methodological perspectives in the study of politics and the problems of political theorizing. Particularly (1) Marxism as Methodology; (2) Psychological Approaches as Methodology; (3) Functionalism and Systems Theory; (4) Group Theory;(5) Decision Making Theory (6) Public Chooice3s (7) Phenomenology and Symbolic Interaction, (8) Exchanging Theory (3 Credits).
POL. 352 Research Techniques in Political Studies II (3,1,3)
The course introduces basic concepts and techniques of field research in political studies (1) Dependent and Independent Variables, Questions and Hypotheses, and, Theses and Models (2) Surveying the Literature (3); Conceptualizing and Measuring – Property Space, Coding and Typologies, Context Analysis, Interaction Analysis, Participant Observation, Case Studies Sociometry, Simulation, Panel Studies and Cohort Analysis, Quantitative Measurement Methods. (4) Survey Design. Sampling Methods, Questionnaire Construction, Interviewing, Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation (3 Credits).
POL 353 The Study of Comparative Politics I (3,1,3)
The course examines the theoretical and methodology approaches to the study of Comparative Politics. This will be done through detailed study of the structures and processes of the political systems of two major Western or developed countries (Britain and the USA. The stress will be on the variety of patterns for r dealing with political issues generated by social structures
POL 354 The Study of Comparative Politics II (3,1,3)
The course examines in detail the structures and processes of the political systems of two developing countries (Ghana excluded). The aim is to strengthen the knowledge of students on the varieties of patterns for dealing with political issues generated by social structures in developing countries.
POL 357 Public Administration I (3,1,3)
Public Administration involves the functions of government carried out by public employees in various agencies and sometimes nongovernmental organizations and private entities. This course introduces students to the nature, scope and impact of public administration on the policy process and the governance of a democratic society. It draws on the general theories of management and organization to examine the role of public bureaucracies in managing the affairs of government in modern times. Therefore, the course focuses on the development and implementation of public policies and explores the complex and multiple environments, dilemmas, and obligations of public administrators and how those impact the discharge of their roles and responsibilities. At the same time it provides an understanding of how public administrators exert their discretion in the management of public affairs. The course uses case studies analysis and review of contemporary public issues to bridge the gap between theory, applied research, and conceptual and practical viewpoint on the management of public agencies. The intention is to enhance student’s understanding of bureaucratic public management and the emerging trends in the demand and management of public affairs. The ultimate goal of the course is to develop the desire of students for effective and efficient public management by exposing them to good management practices. The course also intends to make students aware of how effective management skills can make a difference in their lives and attitudes as public administrators and help them to accomplish organizational goals and objectives in the 21st century
POL 358 Public Administration II (3, 1, 3)
This is the second section of Public Administration I and a continuation of the topics covered in the first semester. It critically examines the ethical dilemmas confronting public servants in the discharge of their routine duties. The course investigates the recent trends in public budgeting and privatization of public agencies. It explores issues of political control of administrative agencies, contemporary issues in public administration, and administrative communication. Lastly, the course takes a critical look at the demand for administrative responsibility and also examines the relationship between politics and administration focusing on the concept of issue network. Case studies on civil service of Ghana are used to link the theory to the practical world.
POL 359 Organisational Theory I (3, 1, 3)
POL 360 Organisational Theory II (3, 1, 3)
POL 361 Governance and Leadership I (3, 1, 3)
POL. 362 Governance and Leadership II (3, 1, 3)
POL 363 Conflicts in Africa I (3, 1, 3)
POL 364 Conflicts in Africa II (3, 1, 3).
POL 365 Human Rights I (3, 1, 3)
POL 366 Human Rights II (3, 1, 3)
POL 367 Political Parties and Pressure Groups I (3,1,3)
The course aims to undertake analysis of the nature and varieties of political parties and the role they play as informal political institutions. Particularly, the definitions of political parties, theories of political parties, varieties of political parties, the development of political parties and the role political parties play in the political process in Ghana.
POL 368 Political Parties an Pressure Groups II (3,1,3)
The course aims to undertake analysis of the nature and varieties of interest or pressure groups and the role they play as informal political institutions. Particularly; The definitions of interest or pressure groups, theories on pressure or interest groups; the emergent of interest/pressure groups and the role they play in the political process in Ghana.
Year Four
POL 451 Politics in Ghana I (3, 1, 3)
POL 452 Politics in Ghana II (3, 1, 3)
POL 453 American Foreign Policy I (3, 1, 3)
POL 454 European Union Foreign Policy (3, 1, 3)
POL 455 Public Policy (3,1, 3)
The public policy course generally examines the process of policymaking. Public policy is considered by scholar as (1) a process to authoritatively allocate values; (2) the process of determining “who gets what, when, and how; (3) compromises among political parties that sometimes lead to weak policy outcomes, among others. A recognizable fact is that policy making involves extreme politics as policy makers grapple with the best policy out comes in the midst of scarce resources and political influences from different individuals, interest and political groups within and outside their countries. Therefore, the course seeks to examine the different scholarly views on policymaking as means of understanding the fundamentals of policy outcomes. The course will generally examine: (i) The Nature of Public Policy: the definition of public policy, the nature of policy players/actors, and the essence of studying public policy; (ii) The Art of Making Public Policy: the process, structure, and context of policymaking; (iii) The Composition of Policy Players: Institutional and Non-Institutional Actors; (iv) The Policy Game: rules, strategies, culture, and resources that goes into policymaking. It is expected that student will have a general idea of the policy process covering the determinants of public policy and the different policy players as well as their influences and the politics and games that goes into policymaking.
POL 456 Ethics in Politics (3,1,3)
The political world in recent times is concerned with the problem of unethical behavior involving public officials. Constant efforts are undertaken to control the actions and inactions of politicians that impinges on ethical issues. Recent attempts to promote political ethics center on the problem of "conflicts of interest" between elected officials' private interests and their public duties. While the focus of conflict of interest has been on the issues corruptions, and embezzlement / misappropriation of funds in the developing countries, campaign finances surfaces as the central issues of concern in the developed countries. The course will examine the underlying logic for ethics in politics and the impact of unethical behavior of politicians on the masses. This course will also examine theories of political ethics and analyze measures to curtail the use of public office to advance selfish interest and the regulation of political ethics through elections and legislation.
POL 457 Politics of Natural Resource Management I (3,1,3)
POL 458 Ethnicity & Religion in African Politics (3,1,3)
POL 459 Middle East Politics (3,1,3)
POL 460 Politics and the Environment (3,1,3)
Political Context and Public Policy with regard to such issues as: (1) Environmental Sanitation e.g. disposal of solid and liquid waste, pollution of the air, water and land (2) Wastes from small and large scale industrial activity e.g., toxic and non-toxic waste removable (3) Global Warming, Acid, Rain, Ozone depletion (4) Afforestation/Deforestation (5) The issue of awareness, environmental pressure or interest groups and the political process.
POL 461 Problems in Mordern Democracy I (3,1,3)
POL 462 Problems in Mordern Democracy II (3,1,3)
POL 463 Political Psychology I (3,1,3)
POL 464 Political Psychology II (3,1,3)
POL 465 Regionalism & Development in Africa I (3,1,3)
POL 466 Regionalism & Development in Africa II (3,1,3)
POL 490 Dissertation (6, 1, 6) Candidates are to write long essays, under supervision, and present for assessment as a requirement for graduation.