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How to Apply

How to Apply

Applicants who meets the requirements for admission for undergraduate offered by the Department must complete and submit an application for consideration for admission.


Application for an undergraduate degree must meet the following requirements:

a) SSSCE/WASSSCE Applicants

Passes in THREE (3) SSSCE/WASSSCE core subjects (English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science), plus passes in THREE (3) Elective Subjects of the following groupings: Visual Art:  General Knowledge in Art plus any TWO (2) Visual Art Elective Subjects. Home Economics:  General Knowledge in Art, Management in Living and Clothing & Textiles. Science: General Knowledge in Art and ONE (1) Visual Art subject plus any ONE(1) Science Subjects Arts: General Knowledge in Art and ONE (1) Visual Art subject plus any ONE (1) Arts Subjects. Business: General Knowledge in Art and ONE (1) Visual Art subject plus any ONE (1) Business Subjects. Technical: General Knowledge in Art, Technical Drawing and ONE (1) plus any ONE(1) Technical subject.

Candidates must obtain PASSES in English, Core Mathematics and Integrated Science, and must also pass all three Elective subjects of aggregate or better.  Any three of the following relevant elective subjects, History, Geography, English, French, Ghanaian Language, Literature. Religious Studies, Government and a pass in Social Studies. Advanced Level Certificate (GCE ‘A’ - Level) Applicants i)    Five (5) Credits at the GCE ‘O’ Level, including English and Mathematics. ii)    Three (3) GCE ‘A’ Level passes including one strong core subject such as History, Economics, English, French, Ghanaian

Language, Literature, Government and Religious Studies. iii)    A pass in the General Paper Mature Applicants i)The basic requirement of admission is 5 credits at the GCE “O” Level,including English and Mathematics, or passes in English, Core, Mathematics and Integrated Science, and three Elective subjects with an aggregate of 20 or better at the SSSCE. ii)Candidates should be at least 30 years at the time of application. iii)Passing a qualifying examination conducted by the Faculty which shall form the basis of a short–listing of candidates for an interview. iv)Passing an interview.

Note:  All applicants who obtain admission would start the programme at the foundation year at year one.